3 Easy Steps to a Financial Wellness Program that Actually Works

AdobeStock_113685095-1Financial Wellness is by no means a new idea, but this year its need is beyond measure. Today, many Americans are struggling with their day-to-day finances: Studies show that nearly 76% of employees are living paycheck-to-paycheck; 29% say they deal with personal financial issues on the job – often for two to three hours a week, and 70% of companies who have financial wellness programs don’t have formal measurements to assess the value of those programs.

Now more than ever, employees are turning to their employers to provide reliable, trustworthy guidance when it comes to their financial picture. In the video below, we cover the three ways to create an effective Financial Wellness Program for employees.


#1: Focused on Building a Strong Financial Foundation
#2: Customized for Your Employees
#3 Delivered by a Trusted Source

Our team has worked diligently to develop a proprietary educational program that is designed and curated by qualified, independent advisors acting in a fiduciary capacity – our mission is to educate, guide, and support the working American; not to sell products or services to your employees.

Ultimately, we want to help your employees develop their financial “know-how”, understand the full benefit of their employer sponsored retirement plan, and develop a strategy for making wise financial decisions for today, tomorrow, and their long-term future.